Towels can help long-term Skin Care!

Summer of Love your towel!



It is HOT outside and we need a good sweat towel. Once you feel the difference on your skin you will never use another. Our 100% aqua-cotton FaceSoft towels are extra soft and absorbent and will actually absorb your sweat compared to any typical towel.

What makes them so soft and gentle? They contain zero microfiber plastics. Our mission is to spread awareness that microfiber is found in a lot of our clothes and towels.

Microfiber is tiny pieces of plastic. When washed filter through our water systems causing plastic pollution in our oceans. We provide an ultra soft, eco-friendly alternative to microfiber towels.

100% aqua-cotton Lavender is now on sale for $9.99. 

Our Charcoal-Detox towels are a step up. They are infused with charcoal to pull out toxins from your skin as you sweat. Who doesn't want this powerful towel? Now $12.99.

Better towel. Better ocean.